Atelier Kurotsuki

Anisong Talk : Anime OP&ED retrospective 2020

2020 is finally almost over. It’s been one stupid year, and hopefully we can all soon put it past us. So to conclude the year, here’s a double post for ya.

In the first part, if you didn’t catch it yet , earlier this year I was joined by Ken and TheBigN for a special episode at Kurocon vol2 where we covered Winter, Spring and Summer 2020, you can check it out here :

For the second part, I called my friends Forte and Kei to come talk about our favorite anime songs of the 2020 fall season.

PS : Apple/google/spotify version will be made available early next year.

Thank you for listening and watching anisong talk in 2020, and see you in 2021 !